4 Ways to Keep Your Oral Health a Priority Throughout the Holidays
December 20, 2019
The holidays can be a hard time to try and stick to a routine. When cookies, candy, and an array of sweet treats fill the home, you can forget about trying to lose weight. But what about keeping your teeth and gums clean? Regular brushing and flossing are imperative in order to keep decay and disease from overtaking your smile, so if you want to have a beautiful smile when 2020 arrives, let an emergency dentist share 4 ways you can keep your oral health a priority this holiday season. (more…)
3 Tips to Fight Winter Colds & Keep Your Teeth Healthy
December 7, 2019
With winter weather fast approaching, cold and flu season is sure to not be far behind. From consuming extra orange juice for a vitamin C boost to keeping cough drops in one’s purse or at the office, everyone has steps they take to ward off or treat cold and flu symptoms.
However, have you ever considered the impact common cold and flu remedies have on your teeth and gums? It is important not to risk your oral health when fighting off a sore throat, headache or cough. Here are 3 tips from a dentist to help you manage any cold or flu symptoms this winter without compromising your oral health. (more…)