Sedation Dentistry – Oak Cliff, TX
Sit Back, Relax, & Smile
For children and adults alike, going to the dentist can be a major source of anxiety and fear. This isn’t lost on us here at Kessler Park Dental, which is why we work extremely hard to create a warm and welcoming environment to ensure that patients of all ages are able to relax in our office. For those who need a little more help to feel comfortable, we’re also ready to offer sedation dentistry. With the safe and proven techniques detailed below, we can easily calm nervous thoughts and protect patients from discomfort all at the same time. If you think sedation would improve you or your child’s next dental visit, give us a call today.
Oral Conscious Sedation
If you experience moderate to severe dental phobia or require quite a bit of dental work, then oral conscious sedation may be exactly what you need to take the stress out of your appointment. Dr. Martinez will prescribe you a pill to take about an hour before you’re scheduled to come see us, so by the time you reach the office, you’ll already be mentally and physically relaxed. You’ll remain awake the entire time, but your visit will seem to fly by in a flash, and you’ll likely have little to no memory of it afterward.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation
This type of sedation is so gentle that it can even be used to help children! Nitrous oxide, better known as “laughing gas,” is administered through a small nasal mask, and after a few normal breaths, a patient will begin to feel warm, light, and more content from head to toe. Once an appointment is over and the mask is removed, the gas’ effects wear off almost instantly, enabling a person to go straight back to their day without any lasting drowsiness.